Cha Cha Cha
Pre-Bronze/Student Teacher
1. Basic Movements
2. New York
3. Spot Turns Left and Right
4. Shoulder to Shoulder
5. Hand to Hand
6. Three Cha Chas Forward and Backward
7. Side Steps
8. There and Back
9. Time Steps
Compact Chasse
Alternative Compact Chasse
Cuban Cross Chasse
10. Fan
11. Alemana
12. Hockey Stick
13. Natural Top
14. Natural Opening Out Movement
15. Closed Hip Twist
16. Open Hip Twist
17. Reverse Top
18. Opening Out from Reverse Top
19. Aida
20. Spiral Turns
21. Cross Basic
22. Cuban Breaks
23. Chase
Ronde Chasse
Twist Chasse
Slip Chasse
24. Advanced Hip Twist
25. Hip Twist Spiral
26. Turkish Towel
27. Sweetheart
28. Follow My Leader
29. Foot Changes
Lady's Runaway Chasse
The following figures may be used in a short amalgamation when using same foot as partner:
Closed Basic Movement (no turn); Ronde Chasse; Twist Chasse; Open Basic Movement; Spot or Switch Turns; Three Cha Chas Forward and Backward; Forward & Backward Runs;Time Steps (with or without Guapacha Timing); Cuban
Breaks; Split Cuban Breaks
Pre-Bronze/Student Teacher
1. Basic Movements
2. Cucarachas
3. New York
4. Spot Turns Left and Right
5. Shoulder to Shoulder
6. Hand to Hand
7. Progressive Walks Forward & Backward
8. Side Steps
9. Cuban Rocks
10. Fan
11. Alemana
12. Hockey Stick
13. Natural Top
14. Opening Out Right and Left
15. Natural Opening Out Movement
16. Closed Hip Twist
17. Open Hip Twist
18. Reverse Top
19. Opening Out From Reverse Top
20. Aida
21. Spiral Turns: Spiral; Curl; Rope Spinning
22. Sliding Doors
23. Fencing
24. Three Threes
25. Three Alemanas
26. Hip Twists
Paso Doble
Bronze/Student Teacher
1. Sur Place
2. Basic Movement
3. Chasse to Right and Left
4. Drag
5. Deplacement
6. Promenade Link
7. Promenade
8. Ecart
9. Separation
10. Separation with Lady's Caping Walks
11. Fallaway Ending to Separation
12. Huit
13. Sixteen
14. Promenade and Counter Promenade
15. Grand Circle
16. Open Telemark
17. La Passe
18. Banderillas
19. Twist Turn
20. Fallaway Reverse Turn
21. Coup de Pique
22. Left Foot Variation
23. Spanish Lines
24. Flamenco Taps
25. Syncopated Separation
26. Traveling Spins from Promenade Position
27. Traveling Spins from Counter Promenade Position
28. Fregolina (Farol)
29. the Twists
30. Chasse Cape, all endings
Pre-Bronze/Student Teacher
1. Basic Movement
2. Whisks
3. Samba Walks
4. Rhythm Bounce
5. Volta Movements (Traveling & Spot)
6. Traveling Bota Fogos Forward
7. Criss Cross Bota Fogos (Shadow Bota Fogos)
8. Traveling Bota Fogos Back
9. Bota Fogos to Promenade and Counter Promenade
10. Criss Cross Voltas
11. Solo Spot Volta
12. Foot Changes
13. Shadow Traveling Volta
14. Reverse Turn
15. Corta Jaca
16. Closed Rocks
Circular Volta
17. Open Rocks
18. Back Rocks
19. Plait
20. Rolling off the Arm
21. Argentine Crosses
22. Maypole
23. Shadow Circular Volta
24. Contra Bota Fogos
25. Roundabout
26. Natural Roll
27. Reverse Roll
28. Promenade and Counter Promenade Runs
29. Three Step Turn
30. Samba Locks
31. Cruzados Walks and Locks
Pre-Bronze/Student Teacher
1. Basic in Place
2. Fallaway Rock
3. Fallaway Throwaway
4. The Link: Flick, Ball Change or Hesitation Ball Change
5. Change of Places Right to Left
6. Change of Places Left to Right
7. Change of Hands Behind the Back
8. Hip Bump (Left Shoulder Shove)
9. American Spin
10. The Walks
11. Stop and Go
12. Mooch
13. Whip
14. Whip Throwaway
15. Reverse Whip
16. Windmill
17. Spanish Arms
18. Rolling Off the Arm
19. Simple Spin
20. Miami Special
Overturned Fallaway Throwaway
21. Curly Whip
22. Shoulder Spin
23. Toe Heel Swivels
24. Chugging
25. Chicken Walks
26. Catapult
27. Stalking Walks, Flicks into Break
Overturned Change of Places Left to Right